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Break The Chain

COVID-19 has affected the world in a way we have never seen before. We should all be aware of the situation at hand and how to keep ourselves safe in order to break the chain.


Total Cases


Total Deaths


New Cases


New Deaths

Data updated at least daily. Click here for source

Break the Chain

There are ways to keep this virus from spreading more than it already has, but we all have to do our part in breaking the chain of transmission which will minimize the spread of the virus. 

Kids and Teens Center

Social distancing is hard. Here are a few resources for us younger ones to stay educated, both school-wise and about the coronavirus, and sane.



There are many questions we all have but can’t seem to get the answers to, so here is a compilation of answers to questions we've all had and some that are important, but that you may never have thought of, all from reputable sources and doctors.

Travel Advisories

Travel restrictions keep changing as all countries try and contain the spread. I'm trying to consolidate as much information as I can regarding restrictions and Visa matters.

About Me

Who I am and why I made this site.



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